How to Avoid Common Internet Scams Using IT Services in Houston

IT Services in Houston

 Pervasive Scams

Many IT services companies in Houston can be instrumental in helping you avoid getting scammed by common cons. These scams exist on both sides of the internet, like viruses in the real world. You'll be able to take advantage not only of the protection they provide against online scams but also get your life back on track if something has happened and scammers have gotten a hold. 

This article will explore three common scams to help you avoid them.


  • The Plea for Help
  • The Attachment
  • The Link

The Plea for Help

You've probably seen this one. A Nigerian Prince sends you an email out of nowhere that looks like somebody has thrown words and sentences with no punctuation or grammar. However, somehow it's still difficult to read because the email is full of spelling errors or it doesn't make sense at all in English. While it's true that most people are honest, there's always an element of those looking to take advantage. The line of thinking goes like this: "I've got a million dollars, but political turmoil in my country prevents me from accessing banks! Can you give me your account information so I can deposit assets?" You may be surprised how many Internet users fall, victim because they don't want the hassle or risk of sending money themselves - if only someone would do all work for them.

Attachment Shenanigans

This scam is more difficult to notice, and maybe the reason you initially end up seeking out an IT service company in Houston is that it can work. An email from someone close might convince your trusted list that they need help with their computer or phone. Unlike other scams, this one often seems personalized to the extent that it doesn't seem either foreign or "spammy. Cyber-criminals are getting savvier as old modes of success become less tenable.

You might be in the music or writing industry, but it could happen to anyone. A legitimate attachment draws you into opening it- may it be because the story is compelling? Someone says, "I love how submitted your work is; there are notes left for me at attachments." Sure enough, when we open those files (which may have been sent via email), our computers become Ransomware victims. And all activity grinds to extermination, but if you want those files back without paying up - then reconfigure systems quickly.

Spurious Links

The account was hacked and used as a means of advertising. This scam can be terribly egregious or straightforward enough to resolve, but phishing on social media platforms is the most common form it takes. You should know the difference between phishing and social media hacking so that your information doesn't get stolen. It is how it works: you'll get a message or Facebook wall post that says, "I can't believe what you did in this picture!" And then there's the link. They may reference videos, too - so make sure to check out any videos on their profile before clicking anything. If you click through - nothing happens except your personal information gets phished. 

It is a prevalent scam that you should beware of. It might come from an email or even one of your links, so don't click on anything unless it's genuine. Sometimes these phishing emails will use different methods like combining several other messages in someone's inbox to make them seem legitimate. The right kind of IT protection protocols will filter these out, so make sure you have them enabled on there before clicking anything strange or unexpected.

Getting Online Protection

It is critical to have an IT company you can trust in this digital age. Houston residents should consider ItsGuru a vaccine against online computer viruses and other scammers, be it "phishing," "ransomware," or 'Nigerian Prince' variety; we will have you covered. The scammers are persistent, but we have the patience to outsmart them. Contact us today, and let's discuss how security is improved for your business. 



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